NTU Psychology - Laboratory Booking System

We require at least 24hrs working day notice for room bookings please.

To book a lab, cubicle or single occupancy office, please use the links on the right to access each space category.

(LAB Time can be selected from-to with the drop down menu, DO NOT send through 30 min after 30 min bookings please)

Experimental cubicles are small laboratory spaces that can be used for research. These laboratories do not have any bespoke hardware, but may have bespoke software.

Flexible labs are larger laborotary spaces that can be used for research and meetings. 

Specialist labs contain bespoke hardware and are only available to be used for their specific purpose (e.g., EEG).

Bookable offices are useable office spaces. Can only be booked by staff.

For specific information on each laboratory, such as the hardware and software available, click on the room name. This will take you to a seperate page with additional room information.

If you wish for any extra resources in the room, please book those well in advance with the Psychology Technicians (Each room has a list of features that can be seen when booking the room).

If you have any issue or questions please email psychologytech@ntu.ac.uk.

Find a Space

Use our online tool to book experimental cubicles, labs and single occupancy offices in both Taylor and Chaucer Buildings (24hrs Notice required)

Research Laboratories Staff Offices PhD Study Spaces